Restaurant-Style Shahi Paneer: The Secret to Creamy Paneer Gravy


Shahi Paneer: A Regal Experience for Your Taste Buds

Shahi Paneer, translating to "royal cottage cheese," is a crown jewel of North Indian cuisine. This creamy and flavorful dish features paneer (Indian cottage cheese) bathed in a rich, decadent gravy, making it a perfect centerpiece for any vegetarian feast. But beyond its delightful taste, Shahi Paneer boasts a surprising array of health benefits. Let's delve into the secrets of creating this restaurant-worthy dish and explore the reasons why you should incorporate it into your diet.

A simmering pot of Shahi Paneer with a dollop of cream, showcasing its rich and flavorful nature.

Classic Shahi Paneer Recipe:


  • 250 gms paneer, cubed
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 2 cloves
  • 1 black cardamom pod
  • 1 medium onion, finely chopped
  • 1 inch ginger, grated
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 green chili, finely chopped (optional, adjust for spice preference)
  • 1 large tomato, finely chopped
  • 1 teaspoon ground coriander powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon red chili powder (adjust for spice preference)
  • 1/4 teaspoon garam masala
  • 1 cup full-fat yogurt (whisked)
  • 1/2 cup water (or more to adjust gravy consistency)
  • 1 tablespoon kasuri methi (dried fenugreek leaves)
  • Chopped fresh cilantro (for garnish)
  • Salt to taste


  1. Shallow Fry the Paneer: Heat oil in a pan. Once hot, gently fry the cubed paneer until golden brown on all sides. Remove and set aside.

  2. Tempering the Oil: In the same pan, add the bay leaf, cloves, and cardamom pod. Let them sizzle for a few seconds.

  3. Building the Base: Add the chopped onions and saute until translucent. Then, add the ginger, garlic, and green chili (if using) and cook for another minute.

  4. Introducing the Tomatoes: Add the chopped tomatoes and cook until they become mushy and release their juices. This forms the base of the gravy.

  5. The Spice Symphony: Add the ground coriander powder, turmeric powder, red chili powder, and garam masala. Stir well and cook for a minute on low heat to allow the spices to bloom and release their aroma.

  6. Creamy Magic: Pour in the whisked yogurt and cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly to prevent curdling.

  7. Bringing it Together: Add the fried paneer cubes, water (adjust for desired gravy consistency), and salt to taste. Gently simmer for 5 minutes, allowing the flavors to meld.

  8. The Finishing Touches: Sprinkle the crushed kasuri methi leaves and chopped fresh cilantro for an extra burst of flavor and aroma.

Want to see the brewing process in action? Check out this quick video recipe for a visual guide!

Health Benefits of Shahi Paneer:

  • Protein Powerhouse: Paneer is an excellent source of protein, essential for building and maintaining muscle mass.

  • Calcium Rich: Paneer is loaded with calcium, crucial for strong bones and teeth.

  • Digestive Aid: The yogurt and spices used in the gravy can aid digestion.

  • Versatility for Dietary Needs: Shahi Paneer can be made vegan by using tofu instead of paneer and adjusting the cream for a plant-based alternative.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Use high-quality paneer: Fresh paneer with a firm texture yields the best results.
  • Adjust the spice level: Shahi Paneer is known for its rich flavor, not necessarily heat. Adjust the red chili powder to your preference.
  • For a richer gravy: You can add a cashew paste or a dollop of heavy cream for an extra touch of decadence.
  • Leftover Magic: Shahi Paneer tastes even better the next day! Leftovers can be easily reheated for a quick and satisfying meal.

Shahi Paneer: A Delight for All

Shahi Paneer is a vegetarian dish that can tantalize taste buds and nourish your body. So, impress your guests or treat yourself to this royal culinary experience. With its versatility and health benefits, Shahi Paneer is sure to become a staple in your recipe collection.


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